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We people who are darker than blue
Are we gonna stand around this town
and let what others say come true?
We jus good for nothing they all figure
a bunch of grown up shiftless jiggers
Now we cain’t hardly stand for that
or is that where it’s really at?
We people who are darker than blue
This ain’t no time for segregating
I’m talking bout brown and yellow too
High yellow girl
Can’t you tell
You jus the surface of our dark deep ways.
If your mind could really see
you’d know your color is the same as me

Pardon me brother
As you stand in your glory
I know you won’t mind
If I tell the whole story
------- Curtis Mayfield



Aries men: Sleeping with him is like playing croquet with live bombs - you never know what is going to happen! Never expect him to wait for you to be ready - he will rip your clothes off if he is ready to go. Don't tease him or you'd better be ready to deliver. Aries men are also explorers, so be ready to go where no woman has gone before. His favorite position: a woman on her knees leaning forward.


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